Saturday, April 10, 2010


I must declare it already, if you most beloved readers don't already know, that most of what I write in this blog (at least the ones that make the most sense), is inspired by other blog posts and this one here is not an exception. Too sad I can't exactly remember which one of the fairly numerous blogs I bother to visit did inspire this post but it certainly left bits of unfinished thoughts (because nothing in my head is ever resolved) etched in my mind and I have been meaning to put this down on paper print ever since then, about a month ago. So here it is;

The blogger in question was doing what we bloggers characteristically like to do- rant, yap, blubber, argue and "talk" about something with a passion that overwhelmingly supersedes the importance of the issue, yes that's us. If you write a blog, you know you are guilty. Pardon me, I'm getting sidetracked from the story. The blogger who was female (I'm not sure how this fact will help build the story) was complaining talking about how some common questions which people are so known to pose to each other are just nothing less than pathetic! Questions like, what's your favourite book or movie or colour? The argument was, why should anyone confine themselves to liking just a single colour? Fact is, she didn't know what her favourite colour was, she likes many colours and can't get herself to choosing just one! Plus, the answer varies at different times. Another one, if you were stuck in a desert... you know the rest of it. But the one that this post is mostly based on is the question; if you knew you had 24 hours to live, what would you do before you died. Her, she'd probably do the same thing she did the day before.

On that note, I feel the need to point out that I don't know what it means to live life to the fullest. So just when I begin to think that I might be living a boring life I tell myself, boring is the only fun I know. I like it this way and I wouldn't change it. At this point it wouldn't take a genius to tell that I probably would do the same thing the lady blogger would do if I had 24 hours to live, but a more accurate answer would be- I don't know what I'd do. My favourite quote right now (how ironic) is one that goes; if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. I'm sorry but in every argument I tend to end up at destination God, to some people that may be lame.

Sometimes I think we live too fast, its like a race. I should be married by now, all my friends already are. I should drink my ass stupid now, while I'm still young. Hell, where is the next party at? So we run around doing things because we compare our lives with that of others. We all want to go crazy and live to the fullest when in reality, when you live your life- that's when you are living to the fullest. If you are a party animal, get to dine with kings, eat your meals in different countries in a day and that's just your life, meaning it doesn't go against who you really are, then my take is that you are living your life full.

Sometimes when people talk about living to the fullest I get the impression that they take it to mean doing the things you don't to do on regular basis. Trying out everything to avoid missing out on anything or doing things just because you can to find out what it would feel like. From crazy stuff like dyeing your hair blue, or getting to the roof top of Times Tower and peeing from up there (men only) to simple and more acceptable things like camping and smelling flowers, literally. If it was upon me to define what living full means, I would define it as simply being true to who you are by doing things a you would actually do and being happy with that, period. No questions please. So if I had only 24 hours to live, whatever I do I'd make sure I enjoy every second of it, even if it's to just sit dumb and have a very exhilarating conversation with myself, which is something a Wyndago would do any day and come out as happy as Kanye with a VMA plaque.

NB: My apologies for not having posted anything for such a long time, especially to you lulu :-)

14 Educated Opinions Yet:

Unknown said...

Philosophy and beauty at their best!!
I really like :-)

When you do figure out what living is all about.. holla.

Wyndago said...

Very glad you liked it, but I think living is breathing in and out? :-)

Unknown said...

Living life to the fullest day by day is what matters. I like the post. Great writing and i would like to get inspired in the same way as you are :-)

carolkmail said...

First, thank you for gracing us with your presence again! Then, I say, in my opinion, the reason why we do not live our lives to the fullest is because we imagine we should be living it like the next person. What they have, we want or we whine that we do not have. I like sleeping. A lot. So, if I had 24 hrs to live, guess what I would be doing? You think I am dumb for doing that? Then guess who is not living their lives?

Great post.

Wyndago said...

@Chiira, I'm inspired? I don't know...

@Carolkmail, thanks a lot! If sleeping is you then sleeping you do :)

lulu said...

about living too fast i think sometimes we do, young restless and so totally senseless.... yes i got your apologies and i aint afraid of stalkers, people are not that brave! where have you been? ive been at your door every single blogger day and you weren't opening, till now!

Wyndago said...

Aww, Lulu it hurts me to see how much I let you down! Thank you so much for not giving up showing up on my door... I appreciate that a lot.

Wyndago said...

Wait a minute, people are not that brave? Do you mean people are not that brave as to do what you did or are you talking about the stalkers? I'm tempted to stalk you just to prove a point! :P

Anonymous said...

We do try...

lulu said...

haaahaaha wyndago! trust me you wont, cant do it

Wyndago said...

@lulu, its on then, im going to go against my principles just this once...

BoyWaCampo said...

Thought for food. Interesting reasoning.

Misstarii said...

Finally you come back! Nice read...and inspiring, thats the best way to live it up, making every day count

Wyndago said...

@boywacampo thanks dude.

@Tricia, you do inspire me most of the time you know?

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